
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Last day of school: movie

Last Friday was the last day of the school year for our K-9 school.  The 9th graders actually finished a few weeks ago with their big end of the year tests that will determine if they can go on to high school next year, so they weren't there.  And the kindergarten is at a separate property across the road, so they stayed there and did their own thing.  But the rest of the kids were at school to hang out, have a fun day, eat a special meal, and get their grades and awards for the year.

I was asked if I could help out by making a movie showing happen.  I went early to get things set up.  In the past year I've learned how to hook up speakers with a sound system with the laptop and projector.  So I got all of that ready with the chairs and mats for places for lots of kids to sit.  The kids all excitedly came in the big room and found a place and we got them to settle down and I started the movie.  And because this is Mali and of course it did, the power cut out 5 minutes into the movie!  Everyone waited a few minutes because the power hasn't been cutting too much lately, and usually if it does it comes back on in a few minutes.  But it didn't come back on this time and all of the kids eventually left.  What a dissapointment!
About 45 minutes later when the power came back so did the kids, and I restarted the movie and they got to see it.
The movie was...(can you tell from the above photo?) The Lion King.  As it played I remembered that the first time I saw this movie was in the theater when it came out the summer I turned 14.  Then I did some math and realized that was 22 years ago.  It's almost my birthday and I'm trying to figure out how I have gotten this old.
Anyway, once the power was on to stay it was a success.  If we can get a big screen or get the wall patched and painted we could project a bigger picture next time.

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