
Saturday, October 5, 2013

squalor and luxury

My neighborhood contains some dramatically contrasting views.  I take my dog out to walk or run most days, so I've had a good chance to observe the disparity everywhere around where I live.  In the top picture you can see a ramshackle "house" (left) an inadequate "bathroom" (middle) and at right is a tipped up donkey cart.  This isn't a typical residence here, it seems to be a squatter house.  Well, if you can call it a house.  It looks to be  built with scraps of old materials, and the roof is covered in plastic that is held down by rocks to keep the rain out.  This place is a on a small strip of land between 2 roads. 
Just across the street and about 2 houses down you can see the big white house (palace? mansion?) in the  2nd picture.  They are well equipped with air conditioning and a generator that kicks in whenever the power cuts.  The white house people and the shack people are neighbors, isn't that crazy?

A few streets over I took a picture of a a disgusting gutter.  They are often like this- open and filled with rotting trash.  Sometimes rats can be found running across the sludge and disappearing into a pipe or hole in the concrete.  My dog once jumped into a gutter to chase a rat and I had to shampoo him twice to get the stinky black stuff off of him, so gross.  Since then I don't let him off leash near gutters.  Once in a while I will step out into the street and wonder why it smells like an outhouse.  I have to remind myself that its because of the open sewers all over the neighborhood.  Without these gutters we would have flooded roads whenever it rains.  I know this because there are neighborhoods I've been to that don't have gutters and the roads turn into giant puddles and lots of mud.  So the gutters are much preferable to that scenario.
In the bottom picture you can see the garden of  a rich person.  It is in front of the wall and gate to their house, I imagine they probably have nice gardens in their yard as well.  They have full time guards watching their house and watering the plants a few times a day.  Whenever I walk past here I slow down to try to take in this patch of beauty.  I would really like to step in and lay down in the shade on the nice grass for awhile, but I don't think the guard would be cool with that.

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