
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Fourth Fete

I had a really fun 4th of July with my English students.  At the class before the holiday I had told them that the next class would be on America's birthday and that we would have a little party at the end of class.  (this is times 2  because on Thursdays I've been teaching 2 classes in a row)  I told them I would dress in patriotic colors and that they could wear some red, white, and blue too if they wanted.  It would also be my last night as their teacher because next week I leave for a month in Chad.  So along with everything else, the new teachers (a couple) would come to introduce themselves and meet the students during the party at the end of each class. 
One of my students brought me a cake!  It says "Bonne Fete Elisa" (my middle name is Elizabeth and I often go by Eliza (or Elisa I guess) here as it is much easier for people to say and remember than Erin)  I was so touched by this gesture.  So that is the top picture. 
In the 2nd photo you see the student who would have won the prize for being most patriotically dressed if only I had such an award to give.  He is holding a sticker of the American flag with Obama's head and the words "one love" on it.  I was given this as a gift by another student.  I don't think JP will let me stick it on the motorcycle, so I'll have to find a notebook or something to put it on.  Have I mentioned that you can find Barack Obama everything here?  Obama bags, belts, tshirts, cookies, barbershops, and so on.  I think its pretty funny. 
At the end of each class I shared cake that I had baked and (painstakingly) brought with me to school, and the new teachers showed up with Cokes for everyone.  (good way to make a great first impression I'd say!)
If you think I look kind of pink and shiny in the pictures you are right.  It was 90+ degrees with probably around 80-90% humidity and the power was cut!  So we were out on the veranda to try to catch a (nonexistent) breeze.  We are into rainy season now, and the lower temperatures are a great relief, but the humidity can be pretty yucky.

A picture of the students laughing.  If we can't have fun in class then something is wrong, learning should be fun!
So I am done with teaching English until mid-September when the next semester starts.  But I'll be back from Chad to help with the end of this semester's testing and the party to give certificates.  Then there is level testing for new students and 3 registration nights for the next classes, so I will be busy with school stuff even before the new classes start.

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