So I've learned several interesting things today: 1. you can get really swelled up legs and feet from sunburn, and 2. though the pharmacies here will sell you all kinds of drugs without a prescription, they will not sell you a diuretic without a prescription, and 3. diuretics are on banned drug lists because they can be used to mask other drugs. (I had to research diuretics online to try to figure out why the pharmacy wouldn't sell it to JP)
Sometimes when I travel and I have to sit for a long time on a bus or plane my feet get swollen. The above photo isn't from today, its from 2011 when me and JP traveled by bus from New York to Minnesota. My poor feet and ankles and legs were so waterlogged that it hurt! Someone found a diuretic to give me and the next day the swelling was way down (and I didn't even mind all the trips to the bathroom if it meant that my skin would stop feeling like it would split open.) But today my feet, ankles, and legs are all swollen up and I haven't traveled. First I thought it could just be because of the hot sweaty weather we have here. But I laid on the couch with my feet up and watched a movie during the heat of the afternoon, and it seemed like my legs only got more swollen. I checked online and learned that when moderate to severe sunburn is healing, it can cause swelling. I burnt my legs on Monday, so they are trying to heal today, so that makes sense. But I thought I could more quickly relieve some of the discomfort of the swelling if I took a diuretic to help get rid of extra water. JP went to the pharmacy for me but they refused to sell him a diuretic. I guess I get to keep my puffy uncomfortable legs for awhile longer.
**Update: The next day my feet and legs were about 75% better. The day after that they looked completely normal.
For future reference, the following are "natural" diuretics: water (I know that sounds counter-intuitive, but it does work), tea, beer.