
Thursday, March 14, 2013

hot, hot, hot

These are the days when you can sit completely still in the shade and still have sweat dripping off you.  Yes, it’s Hot Season again!  Daily highs have been between 102 and 107 for a few weeks already, and we can’t expect relief until rainy season starts in June.  Along with the heat have come daily power cuts.  It seems that the electric company can’t keep up with demand to power fans and air conditioners.  The power has been out for 5 to 10 hours every day.  We only open the fridge when absolutely necessary during the power cuts!  Even though the overnight lows are in the 70’s, it doesn’t get below 90 in our house.  Cement block buildings absorb heat during the day and keep things toasty all night.  I think I might get my hair done in braids again soon because I’m tired of a sweaty neck and soggy pillow.

With these inconveniences, (not to mention a war taking place in the north of the country,) one might ask why I’d want to live in Mali.   And though I wouldn’t mind a quick trip to the beach, there is nowhere I’d rather be right now.  I know that I’m where I’m meant to be. 
And honestly, I prefer a sweaty 105 degrees in Mali over a Minnesota winter’s -40 degrees that comes with scraping ice off windshields with numb fingers, frozen eyelashes and nose hairs, and cold that hurts down to the bones.

Even the Malians start to complain when it’s this hot.  One of the Bambara phrases that I know well is “it’s really hot!” 

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