I met a nice man who is a Professor of French at the University that I went to. I was allowed to sit in on 2 of his classes. It was cool to have a reason to visit my Alma Mater, but walking into those halls made me feel pretty old. Is it really 9 years since I graduated from college? Some of the students, kids, didn't look old enough to be in college. And then I have another birthday coming up in a few weeks. How did I get this old already?
First there was a first year French class. It was review on food vocabulary. The teacher would ask a question and it was like I could almost see wheels turning in their heads, tongues wanting to spit out a response but the words not quite forming or coming out. I can remember being at that level. In fact I am still at a painfully frustrating level with my Bambara study. But thankfully my French has come a long way, and although I don't necessarily sound intelligent speaking French, I can understand most everything and I can express myself without much effort.
I also got to see the advanced French class. And I even got to talk a bit about Mali with the students (in French). I gave a little warning that my French is goofy. In school one studies regular old France French, real proper. Well, I studied in school some, then did a few months in Quebec listening to the Canadian French accent, and now I live in West Africa with its own distinct accent. Sometimes there are even words that aren't understood across the different Frenches. Like in English when an American is trying to have a conversation with a British person. I remember my British roommate once asking me to pass her a "biro" and I said "sure, just tell me what it is." (its a pen) And if they want to give you biscuits but you don't want a salty snack, don't worry because you are getting some cookies! So I got to talk in French a bit here in Minnesota - who would've thought? And I think they even understood my goofy French. It was really a fun day for me.
Another time after that I got to go along with the French Professor to a local elementary school to see the after school French Club that he runs for the kids there.
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