This is a basket of bracelets that I saw for sale here in Senegal in the market. They caught my eye and I wanted to buy a few. But there are so many colors and designs, it was hard to choose just 2 or 3. Red, or blue, or yellow... ok, I guess its not that important of a choice.
But in the last few days I have had to make some bigger decisions and it hasn't been so easy. First it was leaving Mali. The other non-African folks from my group were already gone or on their way out, and I was urged to go as well, so knowing that I needed to go was pretty clear. But would I go to Burkina, or try to fly out of Bamako, or go to Senegal and wait and see? And now I am in Senegal waiting and no one knows when it will be safe to go back to Mali. So what to do now? When you are an adult it means making your own decisions, there isn't someone to tell you what to do or make the choices for you like when you were a kid. When I discussed the options with my husband he just encouraged me to do what I thought was best and the only guidance he gave was "well, what would do in Senegal if you stay there?" So I've decided to fly to the states. I'm taking a plane on Saturday to Minnesota. And it will be great to see family and friends there! But I am also asking myself "what will I do in MN, and how long will I be there?"
Thinking of you. Safe travels!