
Saturday, January 14, 2017

power company tour

One of the students of our adult English classes is the big boss in our town for the electric company.  He once said that he'd be glad to give me a tour of the place.  So I got that lined up and it happened last week.
This guy knows all about how everything works, and although he did a great job of explaining it I don't really understand much of what we saw.  I could try to blame that on the fact that he gave the tour in French, but I feel like I understood pretty much all of his words and even if it had been in English I still wouldn't understand that much.  He asked if I had taken physics.  Yes, I did take physics.  The name of my physics class was "Physics for non-science majors."  Everybody has different strengths and I am not strong in the area of understanding how a power place works.  I don't even know what to call the place!  The power isn't made there, it comes up from Cote d'Ivoire and goes out from this place into town and on to other towns.
So I can't really explain what the pictures are of, but they are some neat pictures and I'm glad I had the chance to go on this tour!

It was me and JP along with another English teacher and two of her kids on the tour.  The student who is the boss did the talking, but he had two of his workers there as well.  My husband said he found it really interesting, he understood a lot more than I did, and that if he hadn't gone into medicine maybe he would have enjoyed studying this kind of stuff in school.
When we went in the building I was amused to see this sign.  Of course everyone should be wearing proper gear at a place like this - boots, gloves, goggles, helmets... but everyone, including the workers, was just wearing normal clothes and that's all.  This sign is ridiculous in Mali.

Those are a lot of fancy buttons and lights.  Just a flip of a switch and you can cut power all over town!

dog and kitty playing

Our 5 year old dog Teddy and our new kitten are getting along great now and I enjoy watching them play together.

 The kitty, Scout, will help Teddy play with his toys by attacking them from the other side....
Ha, ha! In this picture the cat decided to attack and play with Teddy's face! 
It's all in fun, the only time Teddy ever gets upset and growls at the kitten is if food is involved.